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Find Pornstars That Look Like People You Know

Doppelbangher helps you find porn stars who look similar your loftier schoolhouse crush

A subreddit offering men a sexual sanctuary

Civilization September ten, 2020 By Lindsey Kline

Doppelbanger (noun) - someone you want to blindside solely considering they wait similar to some other person yous want to bang.

/r/Doppelbangher (noun) - a forum on Reddit that helps you discover porn stars that look like girls you know.

"We provide this service because most Redditors are socially inept, fat, unattractive, and will never exist with a real woman," says Daniel, a moderator for the Doppelbangher subreddit. He and several others mods are responsible for managing an intimate corner of the internet – a support group of sorts - for people in search of a porn star who resembles a beat from their past.

"The concept of this subreddit is very straightforward and uncomplicated," Daniel explains to us. "People can postal service pictures of people they know, famous people, stock photos, or anyone else within our guidelines, for the purpose of finding doppelbangers, or await-alikes, who do porn or other nude content."

He elaborates, "The intent is to provide better-than-imagination masturbation assistance where the requester can watch porn while pleasuring themselves and getting a visual representation of their real life crush that they otherwise don't have an opportunity to bang."

Although Doppelbangher is far from the about popular masturbation-oriented customs on Reddit, it yet boasts nigh 28,000 subscribers whose posts reveal the struggle of unfulfilled fantasies and the desperate cries of unrequited beloved. Many users request lookalikes from predictable places, such as classmates, co-workers, and companions who have brutally friend-zoned them. Others fantasize well-nigh women they've never met, such equally a "pb vocaliser of a Korean pop band," a "Super sexy Chicago Tv set personality," and a "young Alicia Silverstone from the movie Clueless."

Within these posts, they share images, presumably pulled from the women's personal Facebook or Instagram pages, in hopes that some good Samaritan will respond with a lookalike porn star. The requests announced to exist made entirely by men, with merely i likely lesbian constitute in a scan of over 100 postings. Wanton women have the choice to post in the subreddit that serves as Doppelbangher'southward female analogue, r/Doppelbanghim, just their requests would likely get unanswered, as the Doppelbanghim forum goes generally untouched.

The Doppelbangher forum has merely a scattering of rules. Quite obviously, no girls under the age of xviii. In fact, any submissions with the give-and-take "schoolhouse" in the title are immediately deleted. A high schoolhouse crush is a notorious request, merely the term of "classmate" is commonly used in the posting as a workaround. Some other hard dominion is that pictures cannot have any identifying information, similar a higher name or a visitor logo. While a stranger identifying a adult female in a posting is less than platonic, even worse is when a woman finds herself.

A story of that verbal scenario unfolded a few years ago, when a adult female discovered her photos in a Doppelbangher posting. In response to the request, she commented on the post, "She looks pretty identical to this girl! ;)" accompanied with a link to a photo of herself property a sign that reads "you're disgusting." While the woman handled the criminal offence lightly, problematic relationships — like male person teachers and their female students, male person employees and their female person bosses, and ordinary men and their ex-girlfriends — might brand the subject of a posting far more upset.

Far and away, the men's almost pop requests are for ex-girlfriends. When asking my friend, Scott*, if he'd e'er use the Doppelbangher forum, he responded that he would, and the girl of his choosing would be his ex. He said he wishes he knew of Doppelbangher when they outset broke up. Scott told me, "Having this memento of her might accept prevented me from spending years searching for girls that looked exactly like my ex. After she tore a pigsty in my heart, I looked to fill that infinite with someone who had the same haircut, same eyes, the same superlative, even the same vocalism."

For Scott and thousands of other men, Doppelbangher provides an opportunity to cure them of their infatuations. Perhaps they can stop worshipping their ex if they lower her to the standard of masturbation cloth. Then, they can jack off to her similar any other pretty daughter and let her go.

Whether grieving the loss of a girlfriend or fulfilling some elaborate fantasy with the weatherwoman, these men see Doppelbangher as a sexual sanctuary. There, their delusions aren't shamed, just supported. The sorry reality is that these men volition likely never achieve their desires with the woman of their dreams. But for them, it's better to have loved and fapped than never to have loved at all.

*Non his real name

(Originally published on July 21, 2017)
