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What Does Cr Mean on a Criminal Record

What Does Cr Mean on a Criminal Record

                                                                                                               EMPLOYMENT BACKGROUND    CHECKS

Criminal Records Terms Definitions and Abbreviations

Criminal Records Charges, Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations Used In Employment Screening Background Checks

There are three distinct categories of crimes:

A. Felonies
B. Misdemeanors
C. Infractions

In turn, these categories have differing levels of severity and are subdivided.

In general, a felony is a crime that is punishable by a sentence of more than 365 days of incarceration all the way up to death.

(Sentences of longer than 365 days are usually served in state prisons while sentences of less than 365 days are usually served in a county jail.)

Felonies include crimes such as murder, theft, burglary, serious drug possession and or distribution, rape, robbery assaults and kidnapping.

A misdemeanor is generally punishable by less than 365 days in jail.

Misdemeanors charges includes minor theft, minor assault, some forms of drug possession, harassment and serious motor vehicle / driving violations.

An infraction is usually a "ticket" type of offense where resolution is either paying the fine or appearing in a lower court.

Infractions are not reportable offenses for employment purposes unless the case is escalated into a misdemeanor.

For information on Criminal Record Non-Conviction Terms And Definitions: Click Here

Acquitted – Non-conviction: The charges against the defendant are dropped.

Adjudicated Guilty – Conviction: The defendant has been found guilty of the charges.

Adjudication Withheld – Non-conviction:

The court does not give a final judgment regarding the case.

The defendant is given probation, a program or community service in which they have a specified amount of time to complete.

If the defendant complies, the case may be dismissed, depending on the county/state. If they do not dismiss in that particular county/state, then the disposition remains adjudication withheld and the case is closed.

However, if the defendant is found in violation, the case disposition may be changed and the defendant can be found in guilt.

Adjudicated Guilty / Delinquent in Juvenile Court

When this charge appears it simply means that the person was adjudicated guilty in a regular court or found guilty in juvenile court.

It most likely has nothing to do with juvenile court.

That is just the way the statute read

Aggregate: Accumulated Amount

Alford plea

An Alford guilty plea and the Alford doctrine), in United States law, is a guilty plea in criminal court, whereby a defendant in a criminal case does not admit to the criminal act and asserts innocence.

In entering an Alford plea, the defendant admits that the evidence presented by the prosecution would be likely to persuade a judge or jury to find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

ARD Program –

Non-conviction: Stands for "Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition Program". Common in the state of Pennsylvania.
This program given to the defendant in place of adjudication. If the defendant completes the program, the case is closed.

Assault B-I: Assault to cause bodily injury.

Bail/Bond Forfeiture – Non-conviction:

The charges against the defendant are dropped. Not enough evidence to convict.

Burgl: Burglary.

Burgl Habitation: Breaking into someone's house.

CAPIAS – This word, the signification of which is 'that you take,' is applicable to many heads of practice.

Several writs and processes commanding the sheriff to take the person of the defendant are known by the name of capias.

For example: there are writs of capias ad respondendum, writs of capias ad computandum, writs of capias ad satisfaciendum, etc., each especially adapted to the purposes indicated by the words used for its designation

Concurrent: Sentence taking place or existing at the same time as another.

Conditional Discharge – Non-conviction:

The defendant has no finding of guilt.
The court is discharging him/her from trial on special conditions that they must abide by.
If they do not abide by these conditions, the discharge may be revoked and the finding may become guilty.

Consent Decree – Conviction: |This is found in New Mexico.

It is designed as a disposition for juvenile cases in which the defendant pleas guilty and is place on the decree/probation for six months.

Convicted – Conviction:
The defendant has been found guilty of the charges.

Criminal Misc: Vandalism.

Dangerous Drugs:

Possession/Delivery of Controlled Substance.
Dead Docket:
Charges dropped / no further action taken, it is usually attached to other charges that the offender plea-bargained on.

Dead Docket – Non-conviction: Often seen in Fulton, Georgia
Not enough evidence that shows the defendant is guilty or that he is innocent. So case is set aside. If not brought back up, case is closed.

Deadly Conduct:
Wielding a dangerous weapon, i.e. knife, gun, etc., or threatening to cause harm onto someone.

Declined: DA Declined to Prosecute.
Not enough evidence to take to grand jury.

Deferred Judgment – Non-conviction:
The defendant has no finding of guilt.

The judgment is set-aside for a deferred amount of time and the defendant must comply with any conditions give to him/her.The case can be dismissed depending on the county/state if defendant completes all requirements.

DIS TRCON DEV: Disregard of a Traffic Control Device.

Dropped – Non-conviction:
Not enough evidence to convict the defendant.

DSMD: Dismissed.

FIX: Striking a highway fixture or landscape of greater than $200.00.

FLID UV: Failure to Identify Fugitive- Unable to verify.

FMFR: Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility.

Fraud Remains Writing: Intent to destroy or fraud an application of some type.

Freetext: Handwritten information next to the record that did not transfer over to the database. This does not affect the actual record.

FSRA: Failure to Stop and Render Aid.

FTA: Failure to Appear.

Fugitive File: The case has not been to trial. Found in Virginia.

The same as Returned Unserved below.

Guilty – Conviction: It has been proven that the defendant committed the crime.

Guilty in Absentia – Conviction: The jury has found the defendant guilty without his having appeared in court
Ignored – Non-conviction: The e. case never went to trial. It was ignored by the stat

Indec w/ child: Indecency with a Child.

Larceny: Theft.

MTN SUPRS GTD: Motion to Supress Granted.

MVI: Moving Vehicle Incident.

NDL: No Driver's License.

Misdemeanor Intervention Program – Non-conviction:

A program designated only for misdemeanor offenses in which the defendant may comply to the conditions of the program in order to avoid a conviction.

No Action – Non-conviction: The court dropped the case and did no continue with the charges.

No bill by grand jury: Not enough evidence to indict on charges.

No Billed – Non-conviction: The District Attorney never sent the case to court and it was not tried.

No Information Filed – Non-conviction: Mostly found in Florida. It means the case has been dropped.

No Papered – Non-conviction: The paperwork was never sent to the court by the District Attorney and the case was never filed. Therefore, it was never brought to trial.

Nolo Contendré – Conviction: Latin for "No Contest".
The defendant has pled no contest to the charges against him or her. Therefore the court finds him or her guilty.

Nolle Prosse – Non-conviction: Latin for "Not Prosecuted". This means there was not enough evidence to convict the defendant. The case is dropped.

Non-Adjudication of Guilt – Non-conviction: Same as adjudication withheld.

Not Guilty – Non-conviction: A jury or judge trial finding that the defendant is innocent.
Other – Non-conviction: Defendant is given special provisions for one year to abide by since this is a first offense. If no further violation of the same nature, case is closed.

Pending: The case has not been to trial at this time. There is no disposition to report.

Pled Guilty – Conviction: The defendant has pled guilty to the charges against him/her and the court accepts the plea as a conviction.

Prayer for Judgment – Non-conviction: Deferred Prosecution, meaning state did not prosecute. Often seen in North Carolina. For example, with worthless checks it gives the defendant a chance to pay the check before being charged.

Pre-Trial Intervention – Non-conviction: A program the defendant is placed in before going to trial. If the defendant complies prior to trial time, the trial will not be held for the charge and the defendant is not convicted.

Process Other – Non-conviction: Defendant was not charged on this count due to being charged for another count.

Prohib Sub Jail: Possessing a prohibited substance in a correctional facility.

Prost: Prostitution.

PWC/Theft: Passing Worthless Checks.

Quashed: Dismissed.

Refused – Non-conviction: The case never went to trial. The state refused to hear the case.

Rejected – Non-conviction: The case never went to trial. The state rejected the hearing of the case.

Responsible – Non-conviction: The defendant is responsible for the payment of the fines or fees of the crime. They are not found in guilt, however, must pay what they are ordered. Often found on traffic tickets or minor violation.

Retaliation: Person commits this offense with the intention or knowingly harms or threatens to harm another; i.e. prospective witness or informant; to prevent or delay the service of another such as a public servant or prospective witness.

Returned Unserved: The case has not been to trial at this time. Found in North Carolina. A warrant, summons or paper from the district attorney's office was issued for delivery to the defendant to appear for trial; however, the defendant could not be located.

Therefore, the case is technically pending, however, the paperwork was never served.

SEDD: or (SEC EXE DOCUMENT DEC) Securing Execution of Document by Deception.

Shock Probation: Placed into rehab for the crime committed. The rehab illustrates what kind of harm they have placed on the victim by having the criminal listen to stories and videos of actual victims.

Stet Docket – Non-conviction: Will not prosecute at this time. Eligible to be re-opened for one year if a violation is committed during that time. After the one-year period and no violations have been committed, it cannot be re-opened and the case is closed.

Stricken Off Leave – Non-conviction: Often seen in Illinois. Stricken off docket with the ability to reinstate at a later date if deemed case can be prosecuted. This is often because the prosecutors run out of time to prosecute.

Theft Check 20: Theft by check for less than $20.

Theft Enhanced:

Record Before 1994: Theft of property less than $750.

Enhanced: Has been convicted at least 2 times before for the same crime. Considered 3rd Degree felony.

Record After 1994: Theft of property less than $1500.

Enhanced: Has been convicted at least 2 times before for the same crime. Considered State Jail Felony.

Waived – Conviction: Mainly found in the state of North Carolina. This means the defendant has waived his/her right to trial and has pled guilty to the charges. In turn, the court accepts the plea of guilt.


UPF = (unlawful possession firearm by felon)

Uuev = (unlawful use of emergency vehicle)

Uumv = (unauthorized use of motor vehicle)

Aa by pub serv = (aggravated assault by public servant)

Aa/dw = (aggravated assault with a deadly weapon)

Aa/sbi = (aggravated assault causes severe bodily injury)

Aa/witness = (aggravated assault against witness)

Aa/pub serv = (aggravated assault against public servant)

Aa/po = (aggravated assault against peace officer)

Act phys asst w/o lic = (act as physician asst without license)

Agg aslt dw = (aggravated assault with a deadly weapon)

Agg aslt sbi = (aggravated assault causes severe bodily injury)

Agg kidnap = (aggravated kidnapping)

Agg prom prost = (aggravated promotion of prostitution)

Agg rob dw = (aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon)

Agg sex a-v ch drugs = (aggravated sexual assault child)

Agg sex a-v ch dw = (aggravated sexual assault child)

Agg sex a-v ch fear = (aggravated sexual assault child)

Agg sex a-v ch sbi = (aggravated sexual assault child)

Agg sex a-v ch/14 = (aggravated sexual assault child)

Agg sex a-v concert = (aggravated sexual assault)

Agg sex a-v concert ch = (aggravated sexual assault)

Agg sex a-v drugs = (aggravated sexual assault)

Agg sex a-v dw = (aggravated sexual assault with deadly weapon)

Agg theft r& c 20k = (theft >=$20K<$100K) Agg theft 100k r&c = (theft >=$100K<$200K) Agg theft 200k r&c = (theft >=$200K)

Agg theft 50 = (theft >=$50<$500)

Agg theft 50 pub serv = (theft >=$50<$500 public servant)

Att burg veh = (burglary of vehicle)

Att burg building = (burglary of building)

Att burg com = (burglary of coin operated machine)

Att burg hab = (burglary of habitation)

Att mfg cs 400g = (poss with intent man/del controlled substance)

Att tres hab = (criminal trespass of a habitation)

burg veh = (burglary of vehicle)

burg building = (burglary of building)

burg hab = (burglary of habitation)

burg com = (burglary of coin operated machine)

c/f us gov doc = (counterfeiting/forging of government doc)

cc abuse = (credit card abuse)

cf/tm 100k = (counterfeiting trademark) cf/tm = (counterfeiting trademark)

dc abuse = (debit card abuse)

del cs = (delivery of controlled substance)

del mj = (delivery of marijuana dispense cs = (unlawful dispense dangerous drug) fsra = (failure to stop and render aid)

flid = (failure to id) fwi = (flying while intoxicated)

dwi = (driving while intoxicated) dui =

(driving while under the influence)

ibc = (issuance of bad check)

dwls = (driving while license suspended)

Ind exp = (indecent exposure)

inj invalid = (injury to disabled body)

int oral comm = (interception wire/oral/electronic communication)

keep gamb place = (keeping a gambling place)

interfer po = (interference w/duties of public servant)

mansi = (manslaughter)

mfr dang drug = (manufacturing dangerous drug)

neg hom = (negligent homicide)

theft serv 20k = (theft >=$20K<$100K)

theft serv 100k = (theft >=$100K<$200K)

theft serv200k = (theft >=$200K)

theft serv 20 = (theft >=$20<$50)

ucw = (unlawful carrying of weapon)

sedd = (securing execution of document by deception)

vssa = (violation of state securities act)

Terms and Meanings of Criminal Non-Convictions

There are multiple terms that tell us a criminal charge is a non-conviction. The terms used in any given court jurisdiction around the country can vary while essentially meaning the same thing.

The following terms are examples of commonly used court rulings that mean a case is a straight non-conviction, or a non-conviction without stipulations:

Not Guilty


Nolle Prosequi (Nolle Prosse)

No Bill

No True Bill

No Action


Similar terms specific to certain geographic areas:

Stricken Off without Leave to Reinstate (Illinois)

No Information Filed (Florida)

Not Responsible (North Carolina)

Some of those terms mean the same thing, while others mean things very similar. They can offer clues as to when a court decided on the non-conviction.

A good example is Nolle Prosequi, which usually occurs very soon after a case is filed and probably even before an indictment.

The term Nolle Prosequi loosely means "We do not wish to prosecute". On the other end of the spectrum an Acquitted ruling could come much later in the chain of events most likely after a trial.

Dismissed, the catch-all, occurs in different time periods throughout a case.

Whatever the scenario, under each of these terms, the end result was that the subject was not convicted and there is nothing the named defendant owes to the court.

There are some judgments that are equivalent to a non-conviction but have stipulations. This occurs when a court sentences a defendant but does not consider the judgment a conviction.

Even though the defendant served a sentence they wouldn't have to disclaim conviction.

Probation is usually a part of this sentencing along with the possibility of fines and sometimes even short jail terms.

A guilty plea or nolo contendre (no contest) plea can be associated with the cases where a court decides to sentence but not convict. Plea bargains can play a role in a judge's decision too. The following terms are associated with this type of disposition:

Adjudication Withheld

Deferred Adjudication

Deferred Judgment

Diversion/Intervention Programs

There are some geographically specific terms:

ARD Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (Pennsylvania)

Non-Adjudication of Guilt, Agreed Plea (Texas)

First Offender's Program (Georgia)

Index to Abbreviations Used in Criminal Records

The following is a compilation of arrest abbreviations that may appear in criminal records. This includes a number of unusual abbreviations that may be used only in certain states. Ref 32

A to K — Assault to Kill

AA PO — Aggravated Assault on Police Officer

AAWW — Aggravated Assault with Weapon

A&B — Assault and Battery

A & Rob — Assault and Robber

ABC ACT — Alcohol Beverage Control Ac

Abd — Abduction

Abndn MV — Abandoning Motor Vehicle

Abus Lang — Abusive Language

ABWIK — Assault and Battery with Intent to Kill

Acc — Accessory

Acc Aft Fact Rec — Accessory after the Fact, Receiving

Accomp DD — Accompanying Drunken Driver

Accpl — Accomplice

Accpt Brb — Accepting a Bribe

Acc to L — Accessory to Larceny

ACDA — Failure to Maintain Assured Clear Distance Ahead

Act 292 — Buying, Possessing, or Partaking Alcoholic Beverages while a Minor under 21 yrs of age

ADA — Assistant District Attorney

ADW WITK — Assault with Deadly Weapon with Intent to Kill

AEA — Atomic Energy Act

AFA — Alien Firearms Act

Affr WDW — Affray with Deadly Weapon

AFO — Assaulting Federal Officer

Agg A — Aggravated Assault

AIDA — Automobile Information Disclosure Ac

AIM — Assault with Intent to Murder

AP — Aircraft Piracy

APIPOCC — Appropriating Property in Possession of Common Carrier

APO — Assaulting Police Officer

AR — Anti-Racketeering

ARL — Antiriot Laws

ARL-SFCAA Antiriot Laws — State Firearms Control Assistance Act

Armed WDW — Armed with a Dangerous Weapon

ATL — Anti-Trust Law

Att Burg — Attempted Burglary

Att L — Attempted Larceny

Auto T — Auto Theft

AVIN — Altered Vehicle Identification Number

AW — Article of War

AWOL — Absent Without Leave

B — Breaking

BB— Bank Burglary
BR — Bank Robbery

BC — Bad Check

B Dw NT — Breaking into Dwelling, Night Time

B&E Dw DT — Breaking and Entering Dwelling, Daytime

BECOM — Breaking and Entering Coin Operated Machine

BE&L — Breaking, Entering, and Larceny

B&E NT & PL — Breaking and Entering in Nighttime and Petty Larcen

B Store NT — Breaking into Store, Nighttime

BF — Bail Forfeited

BF&E — Bank Fraud and Embezzlement

BIND — Breaking into Non-Dwellin

BL — Bank Larceny

BLA — Bills of Lading Act

Blkml — Blackmail

B&L — Burglary and Larceny

Blind Pig Raid — Raid of a Disorderly House or a Red-Light District

BNIAD — Burglary Not in a Dwelling

BNID — Burglary Not in a Dwelling

B&P Business & Professional Code — Drinking, Disorderly Conduct, Vagrancy, Dope, etc.

B of P — Breach of Peace

BR — Bank Robbery

Brby — Bribery

BRCSP — Buying, Receiving, Concealing Stolen Property

BS — Suspicion of Breaking

BSL — Blue Sky Laws

B&T — Burglary & Theft

BT — Bomb Threats

BW — Bench Warrant

Capias A — writ directing an officer to arrest the person named

C to D of M — Contributing to Delinquency of a Minor

CAA — Crime Aboard Aircraft

CAG — Custody of Attorney General

CAID — Criminal Activity in Drugs

Crnl Knldg — Carnal Knowledge

CCDW — Carrying Concealed Deadly Weapon

CCF — Carrying Concealed Firearm

CD — Careless Driving to Common Drunk

CDC — Contributing to the Delinquency of a Child

CDTP — Criminal Damage to Property

CDW — Carrying a Dangerous Weapon

CGR — Crime on Government Reservation

CHS — Crime on High Seas

Child Deser — Child Desertion

Child Neg — Child Neglect

C&I — Careless & Inattentive or Careless & Imprudent (driving)

CIR — Crime on Indian Reservation

CKFM — Carnal Knowledge of a Female Minor

COC — Contempt of Court

Co Ct Mitt — County Court Mittimus (see Mittimus)

COD — Court's Order of Dismissal

COI — Conflict of Interest

Comn Aslt — Common Assault

Consp — Conspiracy

Cont. for Sentence Continued for Sentence — refers to a suspended action that can be initiated by the court at a later date should Subject be brought to court on a subsequent charge

Conc Evid — Concealing Evidence

CPCS — Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance

CPDD — Criminal Possession of Dangerous Drugs

CPSP — Criminal Possession of Stolen Property

CR — Civil Rights

Cr to Ani — Cruelty to Animals

Crim Neg — Criminal Negligence

CRSP — Criminally Receiving Stolen Property

CRV — Conditional Release Violator

CSA — Controlled Substance Act

CSCS — Criminal Sale of Controlled Substance

Ctfg or Ctft — Counterfeiting or Counterfeit

CU&PFC — Criminally Uttering and Publishing False Check

CVA — California Vehicle Act

CW — Concealed Weapons

CWIK — Cutting with Intent to Kill

D & D — Drunk and Disorderly

DAA w/o OP — Driving Away Auto without Owner's Permission

DAMV — Destruction of Aircraft or Motor Vehicles

DC — Disorderly Conduct

DCI — Driving Car Intoxicated

DCI-D — Driving Car Intoxicated-Drugs

DCI-L — Driving Car Intoxicated-Liquor

DCMV — Drunk in Control of Motor Vehicle

Deering Act CCW — Carrying Concealed Weapon

Def Bldg — Defacing Building

Dep Proc — Deportation Proceedings

Deser — Desertion or Deserter

DGP — Destruction of Government Property

DH — Disorderly House

DIP — Drunk in Public

Dist Peace — Distrubing the Peace

DOA — Driving Off Automobile

DOF — Desecration of the Flag

DP — Disorderly Person

Dram Act — Possession of Open Liquor Container in Vehicle

D&S — Dangerous and Suspicious

DTP — Disturbing the Peace

DUA — Detained Under Arrest

DUC — Driving Under Cancellation

DUI — Driving Under the Influence

DW — Dangerous Weapon

DWA — Deadly Weapon Act

DWD-D — Driving while Drunk-Drugs

DWI — Driving While Intoxicated

DWLS — Driving while License Suspended

DWP — Dropped for Want of Prosecution

Dyer Act ITSMV — Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicl e

EAR — Escape and Rescue

ECT — Extortionate Credit Transaction

EFP — Escaped Federal Prisoner

EGP — Embezzlement of Government Property

EID — Explosives and Incendiary Devices

EL — Election Laws

Entic Fem U Age — Enticing Females Under Age

Ev — Evasion or Evading

Evsdrp — Eavesdropping

Expos Per — Exposing his Person

Ext — Extortion

FAD ADW — Flourishing a Dangerous and Deadly Weapon

FAG — Fraud Against the Government

Fls Pol Ala — False Police Alarm

FCC — Falsely Claiming U.S. Citizenship

Fel H&R — Felony – Hit and Run

Fel Warr — Felony Warrant

FERIC — False Entries in Records of Interstate Carriers

FFA — Federal Firearms Act

FFJ — Fugitive from Justice

FHIF — Frequenting House of Ill Fame

FHVC — Failure to Have a Vehicle Under Contro

FJDA — Federal Juvenile Delinquency Act

FL DW — Flourishing Deadly Weapon

FOA — Fugitive Other Authorities

Forc Ent — Forcible Ent

Forg Dr Presc — Forging Doctor's Prescription

FP — False Pretenses

FR  — False Report

Frd — Fraud or Fraudulent

FRLA — Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act

Freq GJ — Frequenting Gambling Joint

FTA — Failure to Appear

F to P — Failure to Provide

FSRA — Failure to Stop and Render Aid

FUDE — Fugitive Deserter

FUUSTC — Forging and Uttering U.S. Treasury Check

FYCA — Federal Youth Corrections Act

FYRA — Failure to Yield Right of Way

GABM — Giving Alcoholic Beverages to Minor

GLA — Grand Larceny Auto

GP — General Principles

GTA — Grand Theft Auto

HA — Hatch Act

Hab Drk — Habitual Drunkard

Harb Crim — Harboring Criminals

HB — House Breaking

HNA — Harrison Narcotic Act

H & R — Hit and Run

IGA — Interstate Gambling Activities

IGB — Illegal Gambling Business

IPAB — Illegal Possession of Alcoholic Beverages

IPL — Illegal Possession of Liquo

Ind Exp — Indecent Exposure

Int Steal — Intent to Steal

Insuf Fds — Insufficient Funds

IPGP — Illegal Possession of Government Property

IRLL — Internal Revenue Liquor Law

ISS — Involuntary Servitude and Slavery

IT — Interstate Thef

ITAR — Interstate Transportation in Aid of Racketeering

ITOM — Interstate Transportation of Obscene Matter

ITSMV — Interstate Transportation of Stolen Motor Vehicle

ITSP — Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property

ITWI — Interstate Transmission of Wagering Information

IWC — Issuing Worthless Check(s)

IWFC — Interference with Flight Crew

IWU — Illegal Wearing of Uniform

JC Mitt — Juvenile Court Mittimus (warrant to put juvenile already convicted of crime in prison)

JD — Juvenile Delinquency

JL B — Jail Breaking

JW — Judgment Withheld

KFO — Killing Federal Officer

KHIF — Keeping House of Ill Fam

Kid — Kidnapping

KPO — Killing Police Officer

KRA — Kickback Racket Act

L — Larceny

LIPIS — Liquor in Possession with Intent to Sell

LL — Liquor Law

L&L –– Lewd and Lascivious

LOE — Lack of Evidence

LOP — Lack of Prosecution

L&R — Larceny and Receiving

LSA — Leaving Scene of Accident

Lv acc w/o RN — Leaving Accident Without Reporting Name

Main DH — Maintaining Disorderly House

Mal A — Malicious Assault

Mann Act — Interstate Transportation of Minor Female for Immoral Purpose

Mans — Manslaughter

Mat Wit — Material Witness

MBA — Migratory Bird Act

MDL — Mutilating Driver's License

MF — Mail Fraud

MIC — Minor in Consumption

MIP — Minor in Possession – Minimum fine

Misd — Misdemeanor

Mittimus — A warrantor writ for putting into prison a person convicted of a crime

Mkg fls affi — Making False Affadavit

Mol — Molesting

Mooning — Indecent Exposur

MRV — Mandatory Release Violator

Mur — Murder

NARA — Narcotics Addict Rehabilitation Act

NCTA — National Cattle Theft Act

ne exeret republica Restraining Order — not permitted to leave the state

Neg — Neglect

NFA — National Firearms Act

NMVTA — National Motor Vehicle Theft Act

NSF — Not Sufficient Funds

NSP — National Stolen Property

NTPW — Non-Tax Paid Whiskey

OAI — Operating Auto Intoxicated

OAPA — Operating Auto in Possession of Alcohol

OAWI — Operating Auto While Intoxicated

Obs Lit — Obscene Literature

OCI — Obstruction of Criminal Investigations

OCO — Obstruction of Court Orders

OGFP — Obtaining Goods by False Pretense

OHIR — Operating House of Ill Repute

OMFP — Obtaining Money by False Pretense

OMVWI — Operating Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated

OMVW/OOC — Operating Motor Vehicle Without Owner's Consent

OOJ — Obstruction of Justice

OPFP — Obtaining Property Under False Pretense

ORID — Occupying Room with Immoral Design

OVAR — Operating Vehicle After Revocation

OVUI-D — Operating Vehicle Under Influence of Drugs

OVWD — Operating Vehicle While Drunk

Pa. 675-1 — Drinking Under Age

Pand or Pandering — Running House of Prostitution

Par Stands — Parole Stands

Panh — Panhandling

PBV — Probation Violator

PED — Peddling

PD — Public Drunk

PI — Public Intoxication

PIC — Possessing Implement of Crime

PIE — Presence in Illegal Establishment

PL — Petty Larceny

PNG — Plea Not Guilty

PNS — Possession of Number Slips

Poss ND — Unlawful Possession of Narcotic Drugs

Poss SG — Possession of Stolen Goods

PP — Pickpocket

Prob — Probation

Proc — Procuring

PT — Petty Theft

PV — Parole Violator

RA — Armed Robbery or Registration Act

RBA — Robbery by Assault

RD-BD — Reckless Driving – had been drinking

REAP — Reckless Endangering Another Person

Rec & Conc — Receiving and Concealing

Replevin — Order To Take Possession

Resorting — Visiting a House of Prostitution

RICO — Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization

Robb F&V — Robbery, Force and Violence

ROW — Right of Way

RPFI — Released Pending Further Investigation

R&S — Suspended Sentence & License Revoked

RSG — Receiving Stolen Goods

RSP — Receiving Stolen Property

SAR — Strong Arm Robbery

SB — Simple Battery

SB— Sports Bribery

SF CAA — State Firearms Control Assistance Act

SH — Shooting

Shplftg — Shoplifting

SKA — Switchblade Knife Act

Skip Bl –Skipping Bail

SLIP — Soliciting for Lewd and Immoral Purpose

SNL — State Narcotic Law

Smith Act — Sedition

Sol of Brby — Solicitation of Bribery

SS — Sentence Suspended

SSA — Selective Service Act

Stln Prop — Stolen Property

Sullivan Law CCW — Carrying Concealed Weapon

SWWC — Swindle with Worthless Checks

T — Theft

TAWOP — Taking Auto Without Owner's Permission

TBC — Theft by Check

TFIS — Theft from Interstate Shipment

TGP — Theft of Government Property

Thrt — Threat or Threatening

Tru — Truancy

UCMJ — Uniform Code of Military Justice

UDAA — Unlawful Driving Away Auto

UFA — Uniform Firearms Act

UFAC –Unlawful Flight to Avoid Custody

UFAT — Unlawful Flight to Avoid Testimony

UIBC — Unlawful Issuance of Bank Checks

UMTD — Using Mails to Defraud

UNA — Uniform Narcotics Act

Unl Ent –Unlawful Entry

U&P — Uttering and Publishing

UPIP — Uttering Profanity in Public

UPRF — Unlawful Possession or Receipt of Firearms

UPUC — Unauthorized Publication or Use of Communications

USCC — U.S. Criminal Code

UWC — Uttering Worthless Check(s)

VAD — Visiting A Dive

Vag — Vagrancy

Vaga — Vagabond

Vag WA — Vagrancy (wandering about)

VANO — Violation of Anti-Noise Ordinance

VCSDDCA — Violation Controlled Substance Drug Device and Cosmetic Act

Vio DDCA — Violation Dangerous Drugs and Control Act

VIRL — Violation of Internal Revenue Laws

VNG — Verdict Not Guilty

VRA — Voting Rights Act

Voyeurism — Peeping Tom

VSNL– Violation of State Narcotic Laws

VT — Vehicle Theft

VTL– Vehicle Theft Larceny

VTO– Violation Traffic Ordinance

WCA — Workmen's Compensation Act

Wilkin Act Firearms

W&I — Willful & Incorrigible or (in California) Welfare & Institutional Code

WOP– Without Prosecution

WPPDA — Welfare and Pension Plans Disclosure Act

WSTA — White Slave Traffic Act

Our Automated Employment Screening provides an applicant controlled process that allows
FCRA compliant background check forms, including Electronic Chain-Of-custody  forms
and  releases to be completed online by the applicant.

We provide several short videos   to  easily acquaint you with the system.

This makes the background check process fast and easy.

Please Click or call for more information.

Call Us now at    800-459-3034 and begin ordering instant driving records and background checks within minutes or:

A price list will be promptly e-mailed to you.



None of the information contained in this web site should be construed as legal advice.
All forms, policies, information and procedures should be reviewed by your legal counsel before being used in any way.


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